Soy Flour-Induced Euphoria
This term I found myself continually amazed by the perseverance of individuals passionate about their work. Over the duration of the term, my roommate planned, presented, and campaigned in order to attain a Director at Large position during the University of Victoria Students’ Society election. I was fortunate to learn much more about student politics as part of my roommate’s alleged “Positive Affirmation Team”. Not only did this allow me to be more involved and better informed about the UVSS, but I was also able to witness her continued dedication. For weeks I barely caught a glimpse of her as she worked away on her campaign. I marveled at the endurance of an impassioned individual. It must be that only true interest can carry a person so far?
I am reminded of a prominent moment for me earlier in the term while I was preparing an assignment for my favourite course, Genetics. I was to write a formal report on the qualitative determination of the prevalence of genetically modified soy products using Polymerase Chain Reaction DNA Amplification. Aka I was writing about soy flour. If you can imagine, I was slightly dreading the hours to be spent on this paper since I was preoccupied with midterms. Yet, I surprised myself. After an entire day at the library, approximately ten minutes before closing, I came across an article that made my paper fall into place. I felt euphoric. Again, I was aware of the power of interest on a person’s capability and was proud that I had taken the time to become engrossed in my paper. I later told my TA about my “geeky” moment in the library where I got “way too excited about toasted soybean flour”.
Certainly, I found myself in cycles of study, eat, sleep, and repeat, this last term of my second year. Made easier by the excellent find of a cheap bicycle on Craigslist (unfortunately, sticky brakes included), my efficiency peaked as I found a way to manage my busy schedule. I maintained my studies and my health while completing orientation to become a Victoria Hospice volunteer and participating in Vikes Recreation intramural volleyball. Of course, I was exhausted at times, but I knew that ultimately I would be happier for it. It was an incredible term and I look forward to my future at the University of Victoria.