Second year at the University of Ottawa has been, if possible, even more amazing than the first!
My courses this year have proven to be very interesting and, while stressful, have succeeded in furthering my love of science. I have been exposed to many possible career paths that I could pursue with my degree in Biology. This has been very exciting for me, since I do not have a plan set in stone as to what I want to build my career in. This aspect ties in well with the CO-OP portion of my program, which will begin this summer. I am looking so forward to working in the field of science, gaining valuable experience, and figuring out if I would actually enjoy doing different types of work as a full-time career.
Another highlight of this year was participating in the Science 101 Week as a Guide for the incoming first years. That first week at university is so important for the freshmen, and it was our job to make them feel as comfortable as possible in a new environment, to mentor them, to answer the many questions they had about every aspect of university, and to show them around both our campus and our city.
I am also the secretary of the uOttawa Dance Club this year and we have been having a fantastic season as well. We have already had our first Club Social, started choreography in all 18 of the classes we offer, and performed at a UNICEF fundraiser. Working with this group of people to start a new uOttawa club, keep it running smoothly, and put on events and a year-end show has been such a wonderful experience and I have high hopes for its continuance after we graduate.
Living off campus in an apartment has also been an interesting experience. I learned that cooking takes longer than I thought, and that I am not at the point where I can stray from the recipe, or “approximate”, yet. But, I enjoy having my own place and being alone with my thoughts as I walk through this lovely city on the way to school is always a highlight of my day. This may change as the infamous Ottawa winter settles in.
Overall, my experience at uOttawa as a Schulich Leader has continued to be inspiring, interesting, and simply brilliant. I cannot wait for the adventure to continue!