Saba Askari Jafar Abadi

2017, Science

School & Degree:

University of Victoria, Science

High School/Cegep:

Seycove Secondary

City & Province:

North Vancouver, British Columbia

Nominated by:

Kerry Henderson

What undergraduate program are you enrolled?




What is your favourite inspirational quote?


“I’m still here.”


What is a little known fact about you?


I want to become a published writer one day.


Why do you make a great Schulich Leader?


I’m still here, simply put. Life has been irrevocably painful, but I haven’t given up, and I will never, ever quit at anything. I think the world is so incredible and beautiful, and I cannot wait to make a name for myself in it. This passion – this fervour – that I have within me is why I think I will make a great Schulich Leader.