Every semester typically
Every semester typically introduces some sort of new challenge or opportunity; this semester I decided to continue the research I had been doing this past summer. In essence, we were attempting to determine if it would be possible to separate out geogenic contaminants in certain archaeological samples to provide more accurate radiocarbon dating results. There were a few more experiments that needed to be done so my research supervisor hired me on again for this semester. She was very flexible and allowed me to work around my course schedule to tie up these loose ends. At the moment, we are in the process of writing a manuscript on our work for publication. Seeing all your work culminate in one final paper is a very rewarding feeling. Just knowing that you contributed to advancing the bounds of human knowledge, albeit in a very small capacity, is an indescribable feeling. Research has become a regular part of my life at this point and my experiences so far have been nothing short of amazing. This latest endeavour, particularly, has cemented my desire to pursue graduate studies in physics.
Again, in the New Year, I will be continuing my research in the materials science laboratory and already I have begun seeking out projects for this summer that will hopefully lead into my honours project in my final year. Already I have had professors offer to supervise projects ranging from the oil and gas industry to marine biology to numerical analysis and scientific computing and I haven’t even really began to actively pursue a summer research position yet. It’s exciting to think of all the possibilities I’ve been granted with this degree in physics and applied mathematics; the most difficult thing will be deciding between so many great options.
It’s been a very exciting year and I’m sure the year to come will be just as amazing if not more so!