University is marked by change
University is marked by change. A different environment, people, classes, and expectations can be intimidating at first (I remember waiting anxiously before move-in day, not knowing what to expect and hoping that I’d be able to adjust to the big changes). But underneath all these changes lies the opportunity to learn, to discover, and to pursue one’s passions.
Much of what you learn at university comes from the classes, which thus far have been both challenging and interesting, but, there is also much to be learned outside the classroom.
The first month of school I decided to join the ‘McMaster Solar Car’ team. It has been amazing to contribute and witness first hand, the incredible things that can be accomplished by students working together. With the hard work and dedication of so many, we are hoping to participate in North American wide competitions next year and perhaps world wide competitions later on!
I have also joined the ‘Engineers Without Borders’ chapter at McMaster, an organization (created by engineers) that runs various programs in developing nations, and raises awareness about global issues on campus.
lt is also the people at university, who share common interests and goals, that can offer so much knowledge. I am fortunate enough to spend my year here, along with my fellow McMaster Schulich Leader, in the International Residence. The diversity of backgrounds is amazing, and I have learned so much about the world just within the walls of my residence hall. This must be the most amazing aspect of university, the fact that everyday you’re going to learn something new and that what you learn can come from the most unexpected of places.
Education-wise Engineering at McMaster has been great! The photo is of me posing in front of the engineering technology building. Many classes have problem-based components that really make the content both interesting and applicable. For example, in my engineering design class we (the first year engineers) have been tasked with designing an elbow orthosis device for the Hand Therapy clinic at Hamilton Health Sciences. It’s a real problem, with real solutions, and it is satisfying to know that one’s work could have a tangible impact on peoples’ lives.
The past months of university have been the most busy months of my life, and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. If these months are any indication, the next four years are surely going to be an incredible journey!