Media & Press

Sometimes, being a doctor, isn't just medicine

1 June, 2014

Sacha Lajoie

This session , I am officially listed on the certificate of Psychology at the University Laval. I sincerely believe that this additional training to my medical degree will make me a better doctor and a better person too. These psychology courses help me to see the psychosocial reality of individuals and it combines my biological knowledge. On the other hand , the informatic company that I have with my spouse may contribute to the various committees of the Faculty of Medicine. Indeed, several of these committees lack communication among themselves and with students and would need website and mobile application model to their needs. So far these committees do not have enough money to implement their project. Having heard their need, I immediately proposed my business (Pedagogik solution) which has a cheap price compared to the market! This project excites me because I find essential to promote the communication between students by using the info rmatic way. This is more efficient and provides better information for students who sometimes miss opportunities or conferences that are relevant to any physician. Essayez avec cette orthographe : Trop de conférence, de stage ou d’activité du comité sont manqués par manque de visibilité. C’est du gaspillage. Too many conferences, interships or committee activities are missed due to lack of visibility. It is a waste! In addition, having developed skills in graphic design, I volunteered as a graphic designer for the new student newspaper computerized medicine! So many projects in sight!