Second Semester has Exceeded my Expectations
My second semester at the University of Alberta has completely exceeded my expectations! My many new experiences as a student, coupled with invigorating classes, have led to me wholeheartedly enjoy my second semester of university.
I am currently taking Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Philosophy classes. As a Biological Sciences major and Philosophy minor, I am looking forward to continuing an interdisciplinary approach to my degree. I have begun to notice how these two different fields, although seemingly unrelated, can be integrated to provide a broader perspective while learning.
I recently began my role as Vice President Internal for Make Poverty History Edmonton, which has been an extraordinary experience. Through my interactions with other student leaders on campus, I have discovered what a diverse place the University of Alberta truly is. My involvement with Make Poverty History has allowed me to explore different methods of poverty alleviation, while learning from my incredibly insightful peers. I have also had the opportunity to broaden my understanding of global health issues, particularly concerning accessibility to essential medicines in the developing world. Upon attending the Global Health & Innovation Conference at Yale University, I was able to learn about the many ways in which health care, innovative research and social justice are all interrelated.
Being a Schulich Leader has been an amazing experience; I am so grateful for the wonderful opportunities I have had during my first year at the University of Alberta. As I prepare for final exams, which will undoubtedly be an exhaustive process, I am extremely excited for the summer to arrive. However, I know that part of me will miss classes, and be eager to return to school in the fall!