Sherry Wong
2014, Science
School & Degree:
High School/Cegep:
City & Province:
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What area(s) of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) are you pursuing for your undergraduate degree?
Medical Science
What is your favourite inspirational quote?
“There are two kinds of men in this world, men of thought and men of action. Think like the men of thought, act like the men of action.” – German playwright, Paul Thomas Mann
What is a little known fact about you?
I am an avid fan of joining extracurricular activities. From ballet and karate, to playing the piano and windsurfing, if you can think of it, I have probably tried it at one point.
Why do you think you make a great Schulich Leader?
I make a great Schulich Leader because I am a passionate science student who enjoys nurturing my sense of knowledge. I am also a self-driven leader who takes initiative and have the willingness to plan and achieve a goal. My dedication and determination motivates my fellow peers to strive for their best as well. As a student leader, I dedicate my time to tackling new adventures in order to further my skill set. Besides, I also enjoy taking part in extracurricular activities and contributing to the wellbeing of my community through my many initiatives.