Kaylie Lau
2016, Engineering
School & Degree:
High School/Cegep:
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What undergraduate program are you enrolled?
Electrical and Biomedical Engineering
What is your favourite inspirational quote?
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” -Albert Einstein
What is a little known fact about you?
When I was thirteen years old, I was part of an acting ensemble in a two person play called Little One written by Hannah Moscovitch and directed by Natasha Mytnowych. My role was to play the toy piano as an actress and accompanist for the production. I was involved with the play for quite a while as the show was initially part of the SummerWorks Theatre Festival and was later added as part of a double bill at the Tarragon Theatre. From the rehearsals to the performances, being part of this opportunity was one of the most memorable experiences I have had.
Why do you make a great Schulich Leader?
I believe a great Schulich Leader uses their passions and knowledge to effectively work with others. They are able to conceptualize innovative ideas and inspire a team to follow through, ultimately benefiting the world around them. From a young age I was encouraged to pursue my interests, and have since done so, focusing my efforts on leading numerous initiatives in my school and community. My passion has inspired others to engage in the community which I believe makes me a great Schulich Leader.