Jacob Meadus
2017, Science
School & Degree:
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What undergraduate program are you enrolled?
What is your favourite inspirational quote?
“Walking is the best metaphor for life; you keep falling forward.” – Unknown
What is a little known fact about you?
I assisted in starting up a competitive video gaming club at my high school, where we raise money every year for those in need in and around our community. Go Falcons!
Why do you make a great Schulich Leader?
I believe that a leader needs something to push them; a drive that gets them out of bed in the morning knowing that they are going to accomplish great things. History has seen different leaders arise for different reasons. For me, that something is the unknown. The fact that we understand so much about physics, our planet, and the universe, yet at the same time know so little absolutely fascinates me. So much so, in fact. that one day, I hope to lead my fellow peers on an excursion head-first into the mysteries of astrophysics and cosmology, to not only discover the previously unexplored, but also to trail-blaze a path for my future successors, so that they may continue on in the pursuit for knowledge long after I am gone.