Antonia Kowalewski

2018, Science

School & Degree:

Simon Fraser University, Science

High School/Cegep:

Reynolds Secondary

City & Province:

Victoria, British Columbia

Nominated by:

Tom Aerts

What undergraduate program are you enrolled?




What is your favourite inspirational quote?


“Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good” – Minor Myers Jr.


What is a little known fact about you?


I love music as well as science! Over the past four years I’ve participated in various choirs, bands, and musical theatre productions.


Why do you make a great Schulich Leader?


I have always been naturally curious, which has led me to explore a broad range of interests and take advantage of many opportunities. Through these experiences, I built a strong foundation in both academics and leadership. At the same time, I established a commitment to bettering myself, serving others, and creating value in my community. Being a Schulich Leader provides me with a strong platform from which to extend this commitment.