Moving to Vancouver Island
Moving to Vancouver Island to attend the University of Victoria has been an awesome experience! UVIC is a beautiful campus. I feel as if I am walking through a serene park every single day! All the people here are very warm, welcoming, and understanding as we all are going through the same experiences – whether it be stressing over midterms, celebrating UVICS 50th birthday, or eating the cafeteria food.
Living in residence is lovely. It is really convenient as I am within a five minutes walking distance to all of my classes. Also, it has been the easiest way to make new friends and be part of a small community. It is nice to know that someone is always here to lend a hand or just to chat. I have met people from all over the world.
I enjoy going to class with other people who share the same interests as I do, even if there may be hundreds of us. Imagine my surprise when I was seated in my first biology lab and in walked Jennifer, my fellow Schulich Leader! I am really happy and excited that we get to see each other on a regular basis!
The transition to university life has been dynamic and more challenging than anticipated, but I am getting into a routine of managing five classes, a part-time job, and my social life. With my new found independence, I have adapted to living on my own and to figuring things out for myself. Being a Schulich Leader, I have the freedom to explore my interests and choose the path that is best for my future.