I love to learn- it is my passion. For as long as I can remember, I had a burning desire to learn absolutely everything about anything I could wrap my brain around, and to challenge myself to explore ideas and topics that were not so easy to understand.
My love for education and broad interests made it very difficult when it came time to officially declare my major within the Faculty of Science at UNB. At the end of my first semester, I was leaning towards studying kinesiology, but exploring some new topics in my chemistry class and lab this semester prompted second thoughts. Seeing an eventual future in medicine, the Medicinal Chemistry program at UNB allowed me to avail of the human physiology and health courses I could take if I opted to study kinesiology, while taking more courses in science to expand my knowledge in chemistry, and to specifically gain insight into the fleeting field of drug discovery and design. I feel that this program is best suited for my wide array of interests. If I decide later on that it is not, that’s ok too. I learned this semester that it is ok to try new things- that is the only way to discover what you are truly passionate about. Being a Schulich Leader gives me the confidence to explor e the many STEM fields that lie before me and to be open minded to new opportunities.
Apart from academics, I have had a wonderful time taking in everything else that UNB has to offer. I was proud to be part of the Men’s Varsity Reds Track and Field Team that finished third at the AUS Championship, and even more so to finish fifth in the men’s triple jump at the event. I plan to continue to train hard to help myself and my team improve our standing next year. It was also exciting to be part of UNB’s Relay for Life steering committee, where we put of UNB’s second Relay event and collected $15000 for the Canadian Cancer Society.To top off an eventful semester, I was elected to the Charity Rep position on the Neville Jones House Committee.
All in all, it has been a busy semester of education, self-discovery and fun! Now, it’s time to enjoy and relaxing and purposeful summer before I commence my second year the University of New Brunswick!