Abundant Opportunities
I have had a fantastic second semester in the faculty of engineering at the University of Manitoba. This term I had the opportunity to take a variety of intellectually stimulating courses. Of particular interest to me was Design in Engineering. In this class, I had the opportunity to work in a group alongside 4 other students to tackle various engineering challenges, such as building a cargo delivery system. It was a great experience to work on practical engineering problems in class.
I also enjoyed my computer programming class. Having never been exposed to computer programming before, I initially found the class quite challenging. However, over the course of the semester, I developed a strong interest in this area of study. Throughout the semester I was also involved in several student groups on campus.
I joined the University of Manitoba Engineering Society as a volunteer, and I was appointed to the position of secretary for the upcoming year. I continued my involvement with the Engineers Without Borders and assisted with several different events, most notably the annual symposium.
Next year I will be in charge of communications within the chapter. I also continued my position with Women in Science and Engineering, working as a coordinator for the weekly girls science club. I planned weekly experiments or field trips to encourage girls to pursue the sciences. I will be working as a club coordinator next year as well.
This summer, I was hired as a summer student in the division of neurodegenerative disorders at the St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre. I am currently working on research projects studying mitochondrial involvement in Alhzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes. I am enjoying my research position and looking forward to my second year in the faculty of engineering.