A Rewarding Time at the University of Alberta
My time at the University of Alberta has been enriching! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the complementary mix between my major in Biological Sciences and minor in Philosophy. I recently completed a spring semester of classes, which was incredibly rewarding. Between a mixture of psychology classes and a human ecology course about relationships, I enjoyed learning about the complexities of human nature.
In my main leadership position over the past year, I served as VP Operations for Make Poverty History Edmonton. A highlight of my role was participating in Thrival, a festival encouraging individuals from all walks of life to combat homelessness and poverty in Edmonton. As a policy discussion facilitator for the Student Network for Advocacy and Policy (SNAPP), I’ve met many students with a passion for learning about important problems facing the world today. Essentially, my role entailed guiding discussions about how to construct solutions to public issues. As a team, we wrote and published two policy briefs – one regarding water policy in Alberta and another regarding affordable housing in Edmonton.
I gained committee experience as a member of the Alumni Student Council, which was responsible for the allocation of grants to student initiatives on campus. It was wonderful meeting and working with a group of involved student leaders; I look forward to continuing this role next year.
At The Wanderer Online, my Education Co-Editor and I created the inaugural “Education Visionaries in Edmonton” project. We interviewed an array of leaders in teaching, including a special needs elementary school teacher, a high school drama teacher, and pharmacology professor, for their thoughts on the value of education. Hearing the stories of amazing teachers was a memorable and inspiring experience.
In August, I will be traveling to Europe. I look forward to the many adventures waiting to come in the fall!